Making A Terrarium: Another Good Design Opportunity

Do you want to try making your own decorative piece for your house? Why don’t you try making your own terrarium for a change? This article will help you out by giving you some steps on how to do it effectively without delay. Just follow the steps and you will definitely be able to make your own decorative terrarium in the end.

Materials Needed

Before we go any further, let me first enumerate the materials that you will need to embark on this DIY project. First, you have to have the following materials:

  • A glass container, preferably a globe
  • Sand and gravel
  • Seashells and stones
  • A small plant
  • A tiny cocktail umbrella

Basic Steps

Now that you have all the materials needed, you can proceed to making your own air plant terrarium. Here are some of the steps as follows:

The first thing that you need to do is to place a layer of gravel at the very bottom of your globe. You can choose to use different colored gravel layers for more artistry.

Secondly, you can experiment on different design options regarding how to display the remaining materials for your project.. Here are some of the following pictures that you can use it as an example.

The good thing about this is that you can let your imagination run wild when trying to do this project. How your terrarium will look like Shelby entirely up to you. So do not be afraid to try something new in terms of design and appearance. This will be a good way to exercise your creativity as well.

Once you know how to design your terrarium properly, you can now work on the final touches of the design. Place your final design into the glass globe. It doesn’t end here though. You can still make changes along the way whenever you feel like it so it doesn’t really stop evolving as a project. Depending on your mood, you can change how the project looks entirely. So you do not have to worry about being a monotonous in terms of design and function.

Lastly, you should never forget to put the umbrella on top of your terrarium. This will definitely add more to the design in terms of physical appearance and overall look. This will give you an opportunity to explore what other design aspects you can explore using this particular object. A terrarium can be a good decorative piece as part of your design. So if I were you, I want underestimate the value of this piece of writing when it comes to terrariums.