DIY Craft Storage Ideas For Organized Space

One of the messiest rooms in every house includes a craft room, where everything is either lying scattered on the floor or is jumbled up. You can neatly organize them with neat and easy to access storage ideas, so that you needn’t search for things when required, and they will also look very neat. Try out these simple storage ideas that will not only save money but will make the craft room look much interesting.

Coffee canister:

Save all the coffee canisters, so that you can turn them into beautiful row of storage space. You can use this to stack in all the craft materials and so that they can be easily fetched when required.

Cup cake storage:

This is a cup cake storage that is used to store craft materials in small glass bowls rather than the usual cup cakes. If you aren’t making cup cakes anymore, turn it into a storage space.

Paint brush holder:

If you though you could throw away the pringle cartons after use, then I guess it’s time to re-think, as you can re-use them into a beautiful, creative brush holder. Decorate it with ribbons, or wrap it with gift paper to make it look artistic.

Lampshade usage:

Do you have an old lamp at home that has been waiting long to get disposed? Well, not anymore, as you can turn it into a storage idea by hanging all the embellishment packages in it.

lampshade for embellishment package

Mason jar storage:

Mason jars come handy to store lot many things and it is never an exception here as you can make use of it to store the buttons, thread, pins, etc.

mason jars button storage

Recycled plastic bottles:

Cut the top half of the plastic bottles and use it creatively to make it look like a tray storage to segregate the pencils according to the shade, or for pens, brushes and anything else that you want to store in it.

Shoebox dispenser:

Usually ribbons and yarn get tangled in such a way that it is a complete mess when we want to use them. You can make it easily accessible by making use of a dispenser like this where every ribbon is set apart without the need for clutter. You can attach a rod within the box, like a paper roll to get the ribbons to roll out freely when you pull them.

shoe box ribbon dispenser

Toilet paper roll:

Store all the toilet paper rolls so that you can join them like this within a single container and make use of it to store pens, and other stationery items.

toilet paper roll storage