DIY French Vanilla and Coffee Candle: How You Ought to Do It

One of the best ways for you to relax is to have aromatic candles surrounding you at all times. It has been proven that the warmth of the candle flames definitely does good for your body as well as for your mind. Which is why it is important for you to learn how to make your very own coffee candle for the house.

In addition to this, doing it on your own will provide you with the opportunity to choose the kind of scents that you would want to use for the candle. In this case, we will be using coffee and vanilla beans to create the sweet scents of your very own aromatic candles.

If you’re looking forward to doing this, this article will give you some steps on how to create your own candle without spending too much money in the long run. What a deal! These steps are as follows: if

Ingredients and Materials Needed

First and foremost, you should have the following ingredients:

Since we are making a vanilla and coffee candle, one of the first ingredients that you should get is chopped coffee and vanilla beans. After you have gathered these, you should have a small bowl or glasses to contain the candle wax. This is the next ingredient that you should have.Of course, after having the candle wax you should also get the candle wick. You should also get a bottle of glue.

Lastly, you should have a microwave available. Upon gathering all the materials, ingredients and equipment needed, you should follow the procedural steps in making your very own coffee and family candle as stated below.


Placing the bowl or glass  with the wax in a microwave, let it melt steadily for a few minutes. You ought to glue the wick at the bottom of the container. You can also opt to hold it in place using your hands. After pouring the wax onto the second container, you should pour another layer of vanilla and coffee beans.

After this, you can pour the rest of the wax and let it cool off if for a few minutes. By doing this, you will let the wax solidify along with the wick. By the end of the procedure, you will have your very own chocolate and vanilla candles for sure. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try! You will definitely get to enjoy it for sure.

Source: Henry Happened