The Top 10 Wall Decorations Above Your Bed

When it comes to decorating your own bedroom, it can be very difficult to fill up that empty space on the top of your bed.  Fortunately, this article will give you ideas as to how you can decorate this specific part of your bedroom without any additional hassle in the future.

If you want to really give flair to your bedroom, why don’t you use artwork as decorations for your bedroom walls.  It will give you something to look at at night and something to enjoy during the day.  It will definitely give style and flair to your bedroom for sure.

Source: bhg

If you want a more personal feel for your bedroom, using your own pictures in a picture frame or the various, laminated inspirational quotes that you love, you will definitely be able to liven up your room for sure.  It will certainly feel good everyday to see all your personal memories on the wall.

Source: bhg

If you want something different for your bedroom, you can also have a huge mirror on the wall.  This way, you would have difficulty checking yourself out before you go to work or school.  It can also serve as the centerpiece of your bedroom aside from your bed.

Source: bhg

You can also hang old architectural pieces on the walls of your bedroom.  If you love art, this is the best bedroom design that you can do for your own private space in the future.

Source: Kara Rosenlund

If you aim for privacy, hanging some curtains and extra draperies can definitely work for you like the one in the picture.

Source: Phorm Design Life

Have you ever thought of hanging plates on your bedroom’s back wall?  This can work because of the colorful designs of the plates itself.  It will certainly look like a masterpiece that you can be proud.

 Source: bhg

Having a simple wallpaper with a simplistic pattern can be all the decoration that you need.  Just leave it as it is and let the pattern speak for itself.

Source: bhg

Using a canopy for your bedroom can definitely add some artistic flair to it.  If you want to be reminded of classically beautiful bedrooms during the 18th century, this is the bedroom design that you should take note of.

Source: HGTV

You can also make use of something unexpected.  Why not hang sabers on your walls?  Or even your favorite bow and arrow?  It will certainly give you something different to look at every day.

Source: bhg

Lastly, you can just leave it empty.  Sometimes, the emptiness of a wall can bring about the true beauty of a certain room.  In this case, it will definitely enhance the beauty of your room in the future.

Source: bhg