Glass and Metal: The Dream Design Duo

Do you really want to succeed in renovating your own home? If the answer is yes, then you should definitely go ahead and read this article. We will try to give you some tips on how you can update a 1920s style bungalow by using some metal and glass furnishings. Just read on to learn more.

As you can see in the first picture, the designer devised an ingenious way to combine both metal and glass by using the former as a clever part of the entryway and some of the seating furnishings. The metal ladder also provides access to a narrow space in the ceiling.

In addition to this, clever wallpaper designs provide the perfect camouflage for the glass doors in the house. You should definitely try this for your own space if you don’t want to have visible and conventional entryway designs in your own home.

Furthermore, the glass doors provide a beautiful pathway to the terrace. This will that only be enjoyed by anyone who will decide to live in this house. The black paneling in the door frame is definitely a nice update as well.

This picture shows off a modern kitchen design that leads directly into the terrace as well. For those who love the view of the outdoors, this is the perfect kitchen design for you.

As you can see, the outside view of the house boasts of the metal frame and foundation of the house. This is the epitome of the contemporary house design for sure.

As for the bedroom, the glass doors can serve as windows as well. If you want more privacy, you can always put up some curtains eventually. You will never go wrong with using curtains in your home.

For this small pantry area design, you can see a perfect combination of metal and glass as well as wood. You should not hesitate to use this particular design if you are fond of rustic and quintessential themes when it comes to interior design.

On the other hand, this is a simple platform bedroom design that capitalizes on the color schemes provided by the metal materials in the house. Monochromatic color schemes definitely show off a classically modern style that will never grow old.

In addition to this, here is another bedroom design that you can use if you want to combine the metal pieces with glass. The frame of the bed definitely will last longer in the coming days.

Lastly, here is another simple kitchen design that boasts the perfect combination of metal and glass. You should then only try it out for your own kitchen design as soon as possible. I am sure that you will not go wrong with this particular idea in your head.