DIY Yarn Craft Ideas

This blog is all about the beautiful crafts that you can make out of yarn to decorate home. These beautiful craft works are fun to make and you needn’t spend much money to buy the materials too, as you can simply purchase colorful yarn to create artistic and attractive handwork.

Coffee mug cozy:

Select a favorite color yarn and design a cozy of any design that you would like to adorn your coffee mug with. This is a beautiful dog-faced cozy that will definitely grab the hearts of all the dog lovers.

Wall medallions:

These are hand knitted wall medallions that can make the walls of your home look very creative, as these simple designs will look very elegant. You can design all of the medallions in a single size of in different sizes and colors to make it look creative.

Yarn bottles:

Wrap the old wine bottles or any glass bottles with your favorite color yarn and then you can make use of them like a flower vase or just as a show piece on its own. You can further decorate it with beads, mirrors, lace, ribbons etc.

Yarn heart décor:

Design cute hearts with old wires and then wrap them with yarn and then you can decorate the inside of the hearts with yarn or beads to make these hanging craft work look very cute.

Yarn mobile décor:

You must have seen various types of mobile hangers and this one is one of simplest ideas that can be implemented, as you simply need yarn bundles. Just hang the bundles at different height levels and they will look colorful and lovely as they just sway in air.

Yarn wrapped frames:

Make all those old and worn out frames look renewed by covering them with yarn. These yarn wrapped frames will look very much different than the usual kind of frames, and you can simply hang empty frames or also make use of these to display photos.

Pen holders:

Grab all the old mugs, cups, jars or anything that you think that you can make use of it as a pen holder. Wrap those worn out old stuff with colorful yarn to make your new pen holder look bright and beautiful.

Yarn wrapped twigs:

This is a beautiful dining table centerpiece that will make the dining table look very much attractive. Take old twigs, wrap them with yarn, and place them in beautiful vases and now your table will look lovely.